Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"4 Legged Race"

Hannah busted out an idea for a party of having a "4-legged race".

Sophie chipped her tooth and busted her eye open today.

Addie sang, "waves of mercy, waves of grace, everywhere I look I see your face. Your love has made me hungry...

i love my girls.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Saying "no" to Kisses

Well...maybe we're teaching our two girls to guard their hearts and affections a little too much. Sophie, who knows a few words and is just beginning to learn how to use them in the right context has just learn to use the word "no". Here's how it goes...

"Sophie, could I have a kiss please?"

"No" she says in her sweet little voice.

"Please Sophie? Maybe one on the cheeck?"


Sophie, guard your heart, but open it up a little bit more to your daddy. I like the way you are starting in regards to kissing boys, but honestly, get those lips a little looser.
